The Yellow Tablet Confessional
In 2007, I put away my yellow tablet. My children might be too upset at seeing inside their mother's head don't you know. And one of them might be choosing my nursing home. Well, now they're grown and so am I. And Reverendmother Diana has been asked for these stories too many times to count. So...welcome to the ministry of the Yellow Tablet Confessional.
Life in Religion
Yes. They really ordained me. It surprised me too. I am a vowed Franciscan and a spiritual companion to the queer community. This translates into a lot of costume changes.
Multiple Hat Disorder
Managing (or mismanaging) being minister, teacher, mother, daughter, friend, citizen and clown. Yes. Clown.
Holy Foolishness
The path from terrified girl to Holy Fool is a spiral that makes you look backwards as you move forward. You think to yourself, "what the hell?". Integrated they call it. Sure it is.